I hope this finds you healthy and doing as well as you can given the current challenging circumstances. The purpose of my writing is to let you know about a complimentary audio experience I have put together that you may find helpful.
One adjustment I have had to struggle with, as I suspect many others have also, is figuring out how to be OK with being less productive and less structured. Most of us are used to "making things happen" on a daily basis. But for the time being many of the regular rhythms and routines of work and family life have been put on hold. It may just not be the right time to put big plans in motion. What do you then?
This reminds me of a challenge many have with the relaxation of the mind and body in general. Relaxation is not really "doing" as much as it is "allowing." Indeed, trying too hard to relax often chases it away due to something called paradoxical intention. Someone with insomnia knows this all too well, the harder you try to fall asleep, the more awake you become.
I address this idea in the Desert Flower Self-Hypnosis mp3 as well as providing a guided relaxation process along with suggestions for enhanced well-being and optimism.
You can listen to it for free with the media player on the page linked below. There is also the option of downloading your own copy for a nominal fee. Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may benefit. Be well!