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NJ Hypnotist James Malone

Nothing But Dismay?

Are you a not so merry gentleman or gentlewoman and do you feel nothing but dismay during the Holiday Season? Well, you are not alone as many people find this to be a very stressful time of year.

The experience of holiday stress is a multi-faceted one. There are the expectations that you are supposed to be all holly-jolly when you just ain’t feeling it. For some there is the associated financial demands of trying to keep up with the Jones’s (what if they are trying to keep up with you? Hmm). 

Feelings of loneliness can be amplified at this time of year, especially for those who recently lost a loved one. 

The lack of sunlight and the decrease in time spent outdoors is definitely a factor for many, myself included. Also in the physical realm, there typically is an increased consumption of alcohol and other refined sugars which decrease your resilience. 

Although there is no magic wand that can remove holiday stress completely, there are steps you can take. The first is to manage your expectations and remind yourself that the stress you are feeling is neither unbearable or permanent.  It may not be the most wonderful time of the year for you-but you can and you will handle it.

Invest in good cold weather clothing if you don’t have some already and force yourself to get outside daily in the limited sunlight as that will have positive impact on your mood. Keep an eye on your sugar intake; increasing your water intake can help in this regard. 

Lastly, make sure you don’t isolate yourself as we all have a need for social connection. Remember the phone works both ways, why not reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while? 

And if I can be of service, please feel free to connect. I will be offering sessions both online and in-office during the holiday season. Call/text (732) 714-7040 to set up a time for yourself. 

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