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NJ Hypnotist James Malone

Dry January?

After the holidays, do you plan on taking part in the "Dry January" challenge-abstaining from alcohol for the first month of the year? It can have a number of benefits, including but not limited to:

  • Better Mood: very often people feel sad and discouraged this time of year due to post-holiday letdown, excessive sugar consumption, decreased physical activity,  and the lack of sunlight. Alcohol is a depressant that only aggravates the problem.

  • Weight Reduction: even relatively moderate alcohol consumption on a regular basis makes weight loss much more difficult due to the effects on your metabolism. Do you plan on getting in better shape this year? This can get you off to a good start.

  • More Energy-the body expends a lot of energy to process alcohol.  What would it be like to face each day clear-headed and more enthusiastic?

  • Personal Pride-maybe you want experience to the positive feelings that come about when you take on a challenge and make it happen!

Connect if you would like to learn more, call/text (732) 714-7040.

Important note: this program is not for the person who may be physically dependent on alcohol as that requires a medically supervised detox process. If in doubt, consult with your physician first.  

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