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NJ Hypnotist James Malone

Attainable Sustainable CHANGE Book Release

I am proud to announce the release of my latest book Attainable Sustainable CHANGE. It's your guide on how to create an eating, exercise and stress relief plan you can actually stick with.

Many physical and emotional problems are the result of less than optimal lifestyle choices, yet making a change can be a challenge.

What if instead of trying harder, you did something different?

In this book you will learn about:

-How to connect with you deeper motivation.

-Overcoming obstacles to progress.

-Developing better self-talk habits.

-Safe nutritional and exercise guidelines.

-Recommendations for stress relief.

-Dealing with lapses.

The book is available in both print and digital formats at Amazon Kindle

Other digital formats if you have an e-reader other than Kindle can be accessed at Smashwords

P.S. The contents of this book are also at the heart of the 6 Week Attainable Sustainable CHANGE Program, details here.

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